How do you get rid of lice quickly?

  1. Identify who has it and who doesn’t by checking everyone in the household or getting a professional lice check.
  2. Treat everyone at the same time using a lice service, a drugstore lice kit and combing everyone’s hair, or combing with hair conditioner. If you choose to treat it yourself, you will have comb through everyone’s head multiple times until there are no signs of lice.
  3. Wash your sheets and pillowcases in hot water or put them in the dryer or high for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Optional: bag up anything that can’t be washed and has contacted an infested person’s head and leave it for 48 hours. Vacuum the headrests of your furniture and car. Lice rarely spread from these objects, but it is possible.
  5. Continue checking for lice once or twice a week for three weeks to ensure it is gone and no one was reinfested.

The fastest way to get rid of lice is to hire a service to do it in one appointment.