100% Lice-Free in 1 Hour
Clinic or In-Home Lice Removal
Evidence-Based Lice Treatment
100% Lice-Free in 1 Hour
Clinic or In-Home Lice Removal
Mon to Sun – 7am to 8pm
Professional lice removal portland and lice treatment portland.
Private lice clinic appointment and mobile lice removal treatment
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Lice Treatments and Lice Removal Near Me and in Portland Oregon. Portland Oregon mobile and clinic lice treatment that is child safe without toxins.
Professional Lice Removal Portland Community – Lice Treatment Clinic.
Lice feed and lay eggs are located exactly on the scalp withing a range of a half inch away. It take a week minimum to ever diy it and get the eggs and lice to zero. Make sure you get cleared by a professional.
No heat devices, cold devices, or electric devices required.
Lice treatment Portland.
Compassionate, urgent lice removal service serving north, northwest, east, west, and south portland area and most counties in washington. Read testimonials for our head lice removal services. To schedule, make sure the hair is completely dry and shampoo to clean it.
Lice Treatments Portland lice clinic.
If you daughter is itchy before or after lice treatments pediatricians or doctors can prescribe a steroid. Avoid scratching. Learn more about schools lice policies in aloha, happy valley, west linn and others by calling them. Prevent the spread by following our directions. Review portland lice removal salon offers for lice care to find an excellent one you love and offers lice diagnosis.
Lice removal treatment in Portland.
Lice treatment in Portland Oregon. Lice removal for Portland region and community. Lice clinic service focusing on head checks and head lice service. Our lice treatments service treats your hair and the hair of your children without toxins or other chemicals and substances. You can read online at the fda website for more knowledge on lice treatments, chemicals, substances, avoid infestation from the community.
Lice removal portland
Lice removal portland. Mobile lice treatment. Head lice treatments without toxins. Serving beaverton oregon and vancouver area with mobile and clinic lice treatment.
Lice removal portland.
If you hair is bugging you get rid of the problem in your hair with hair combing lice treatment. Although the FDA has approved drugstore lice treatments, many have toxins and other chemicals or substances. Current knowledge on fda approved lice treatments shows toxins are harmful to the portland, or community.
lice removal portland oregon, beaverton, vancouver. Mobile lice treatment – no toxins – child safe.
Many families in portland, oregon prefer to avoid toxins in their community. They choose lice treatments without toxins. Try to desiccate head lice. Desiccate means to remove moisture and you can do it without special knowledge, chemicals, substances, or toxins.
Lice removal at our portland oregon clinic.
Call to schedule before visiting. We are appointment only.
Portland Lice Clinic Services Offered in Oregon:
Portland Lice Clinic Services:
Frequently Asked Lice Questions
How long does lice removal treatment take?
Our lice clinics average lice treatment is 60-90 minutes for long hairstyles and 30-45 minutes for short. Call for lice treatment options or to book an appointment at our Portland lice clinic.
Do you travel for treatment outside Portland Oregon?
Yes, our mobile lice clinic travels up to 25 miles for in-home nit and lice treatment throughout Portland, Beaverton, Vancouver, Clackamas, and all around Multnomah county. Call to discuss lice removal options near you.
Is your lice clinic a locally owned Portland company?
Yes, we are a Portland founded lice service! Our mobile and private lice clinics specialize in comfortable, convenient, chemical free lice removal treatments backed up by a 30 day guarantee. Everyone dealing with lice gets a professional dedicated to their family.
Mobile head lice salon or private lice clinic, which is best?
In-home professional lice treatment is a more comfortable, discreet, and convenient experience, especially large families that might take a while to treat. For children with sensory issues, knowing there is an in-home options can be a huge relief.
Our private Portland Oregon lice removal clinic is close by if you need a lice check.
Does your lice clinic use any toxic pesticides?
No, we do manual head lice combing with a non-toxic hair oil product to remove all the bugs and viable nits/eggs. All Portland lice treatment services and lice clinics rely on combing to truly get the job done. Combing gets rid of super lice knowing you aren’t risking your health.
How do I treat my home?
Wash and dry your bedding on high after your appointment to kill any lice or nits/eggs. No products are required. Anything more is most likely wasted time and energy. Knowing your lice myths is crucial. Lice can’t live in or on anything other than a human head.
What is the best lice treatment?
It depends on your time and budget. Hiring a lice salon professional gets it done quickly and you’re guaranteed for 60 days. Lice product and home remedies are a partial solution, but you must lice comb consistently until you are absolutely sure there are no bugs or viable nits left. It will take many combing sessions before you get the hang of it and can comb without causing excess discomfort or miss areas of the scalp.
Can doctors or dermatologists get rid of lice?
It would be nice if there was a specialized lice doctor, but most doctors have limited experience with head lice and will, understandably, default to prescribing medication. Unfortunately, no current medications (as of 2022) can kill all the lice and nits in a single treatment and, because of toxicity, cannot be used more than once in a short enough time period to prevent the lice from reproducing or cannot be used on children under a certain age, during pregnancy, or if there is a compromised immune system. However, you should speak with your doctor, pediatrician, or physician about your particular situation.
Have a question and want the facts about head lice treatment?
Call Lice Charmers at 503-241-5376.

Call to get lice free today
Common Lice Mistakes
Not getting everyone checked.
- Miss one louse or two nits and the infestation can start over.
- Overlooking the cost of missed school, childcare, or work.
- Gambling on ineffective products, devices, and DIY treatments.
- Thinking it’s gone while it continues to spread.
99.7% Successful
Treatment Rate
No Harmful Chemicals
100% Non-Contagious in One Visit

Usually same-day.
In-home or our lice clinics.
60-day guarantee keeps you lice free.
99.7% Successful
Treatment Rate
No Harmful Chemicals
100% Non-Contagious in One Visit

Four steps to get rid of lice for good.
Professional lice checks.
3 Step Method: Heat, combing, and oil eliminates the infestation.
Learn how lice spread, how to prevent them, and clean your home.